"Mara Brown speaks from her own experience and with a generous heart. Take comfort in her insights, and don’t miss this opportunity to profit from proven strategies she’s used to triumph.”
- Anthony Robbins (Author of Unlimited Power & Awaken The Giant Within)
“Her wisdom, insight, motivation and help is wonderful, inspiring and uplifting while at the same time being very practical and down to earth.”
- Mark Victor Hansen (Co-author, Chicken Soup For The Soul Series)
“Lucid, eminently practical and very wise.”
- Nathaniel Branden (Best-selling author of The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem)
Mara Brown’s powerful, effective and life-enhancing Private Coaching has transformed the lives of her clients so they truly live the life of their dreams! She is also a best-selling author of 4 self-help books, an exciting, inspiring and uplifting speaker, and a popular television talk show host. She has touched, motivated, transformed and inspired the lives of thousands of people around the world by helping people live lives they may only have dreamed of. She truly enriches the lives of all those she touches. Mara coaches those committed to living a life they love and living it powerfully, joyously and abundantly.
She helps her clients uncover what they truly want and discover what has held them back from getting it. If you are interested in becoming happier and more successful in your life, if you want to have more time for what you want to do, if you want to be healthier, more vibrant and have more energy, if you want to enjoy new levels of success and prosperity, if you want to break a self-defeating pattern, blast through a plateau you are stuck on, climb out of a rut, beat depression and anxiety, if you are struggling with your business or your job and confused about what direction to follow, if you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, if your life is out of balance and out of whack, if you want to have better and more fulfilling relationships with your family and friends, if you want to find your soul mate, if you want to enjoy a deeper intimacy with your partner, if you want to achieve your goals and LIVE THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS…Mara Brown will take you there. Whatever it is that you desire to make your life amazing can be yours. All you need is the right coach who can show you the way to the top of your mountain.
Really ask yourself if you are being your best in your career, business, and relationships. Are you completely fulfilled in every area of your life? Is your Career, Health, Prosperity, Spirituality, Family and Relationships where you want them to be? And do you have the balance you’d like to have in these areas? Most of us can use a little help in one (or more) areas. Whether your goal is to become a star, enjoy your success, become a better public speaker, find more balance or meaning in your life, take your business or career to a new level of success, have better relationships, feel happier, or be an amazing parent…no matter what goals and dreams we have … to be our best everyone can benefit from a coach who knows the ropes. To live the life of your greatest dreams and deepest desires you need a first rate coach to help you to break through self defeating patterns, clear out limiting beliefs, and break through ceilings to achieve your biggest goals. You have incredible potential within you. So unleash your brilliance and shine. Mara works on the subconscious, conscious and super conscious levels simultaneously to give you outstanding, lasting and amazing results! Be YOUR BEST…hire the best coach.
Mara has a B.A. in Psychology and an M.B.A. in Marketing and Organizational Development. Before taking on the self-help field for, Mara worked in the Advertising and Marketing industry for fast-food chains, concert venues, newspaper publications and entertainment attractions. She understands the corporate world having risen high in those ranks in the retail and entertainment industries. She will show you how to break through your fears and blocks, how to stop self-destructive patterns, how to overcome procrastination, find clarity in the midst of confusion and become more focused, abundant, happy, peaceful, fulfilled and powerful. Mara Brown uniquely marries a unique blend of many disciplines, practices, schools of thought and intuition to deliver dazzling, powerful and lasting results to her clients so that they may live the life of their dreams. You can too. Start now. Act as if your life depends on it – because it does! It’s your life. Invest in it. You can live the life of your dreams. Call Mara to set up your own personal appointment and join the select group of people that are taking their careers, relationships, finances, health and LIFE to new levels of success, happiness and significance. Give yourself the invaluable gift of Private Coaching with Mara Brown and she will help you to soar.
Contact Mara Brown now at |
Client Endorsements
I am a completely different person than I was before I started working with Mara. I was driven but extremely unhappy, stressed out and angry. My family life was suffering and I felt trapped in my business. Now, I can truly say that I am happy, peaceful, and my relationship with my wife and my kids is tremendous. I can’t remember the last time I blew up and my entire life has become more meaningful and joyful than I could have imagined. Everyone comments on the changes in me and they all seem to want what I have. I have broken old patterns from generations that were handed down and I am so grateful that my new way of being will be reflected in the emotional health of my kids as they grow into adulthood. Not only was this a gift for me, but it is a legacy I give to future generations of my lineage. My deepest gratitude to Mara. - Robert Samuels (Successful Businessman)
Mara was recommended to me by 3 people in my field that I highly respect. They were right! Mara helped me to break some life long patterns that were keeping me stuck and helped me to feel comfortable in my own skin and embrace my success. I don’t want to think about what my life could have been without the gift of working with Mara.
- Anonymous (Famous Actress)
Mara helped me to sort out my ego and get me out of my own way to achieve the results and dreams I had in my heart and for the nation. - Anonymous (Politician)
Mara has helped me get clarity and achieve balance and success in my career and the positive changes are also impacting my personal life. I came to Mara for help in one area – but got my entire life to a place of joy and fulfillment. What a gift! - Sandra Grey (Successful Executive)\
Mara Brown is a brilliant Life Coach. She is very intuitive, empathetic, supportive & powerful. She truly produces outstanding life-changing results. If you want to live your best life, I strongly suggest that you hire Mara.
-Arthur Cain (CEO)
It has not only been a pleasure but also an honor being coached by Mara. I thoroughly enjoy working with her as she inspires me to improve my life on many different levels, both professionally and personally. She’s incredibly insightful and reads me like a book. Her vast knowledge in finding out what makes me tick is extremely beneficial. My life has truly changed and is better than I could have ever imagined. All my love and gratitude Mara, always!
-Tharam Singh (EVP)Mara Brown has changed my life. Working with her has changed my world completely - professionally, personally, and spiritually. She has helped me heal my family relationships, and has helped me reach for the stars professionally. I am filled with gratitude and joy every day, and I credit Mara 100% with this transformation in my life. I used to suffer from depression, negative thoughts, and a victim attitude. Mara has made my life sunny and hopeful by helping me find the joy in life and my life's purpose. - Sharon Leigh (Successful Entrepreneur)